Alex Steffen, TEDxGlobal
2011, 10 min 14 sec
Do you ever wonder whether we should be optimistic or pessimistic about the future? If you want more reasons to think things may still turn out for the better, Alex Steffen’s your man. He doesn’t downplay the scope and scale of the problems
we face. Instead, he shows that we have the tools within our grasp for meeting those massive challenges, if we have the will to use them.
How can cities help save the future? Alex Steffen shows some cool neighborhood-based green projects that expand our access to things we want and need — while reducing the time we spend in cars. This isn’t just hopeful thinking, either. Steffen uses real-world examples and big-picture research to show us that a brighter, greener future is ours to choose, telling powerful, inspiring stories about the hard choices facing humanity … and our opportunity to create a much better tomorrow.