a. Interview with Dr. David Suzuki


Talking Stick TV
2004, 28 min 13 sec

This is a story that spans a millennium and includes a cast of millions. It is the story of a single tree. Scientist and environmentalist David Suzuki and writer Wayne Grady tell the life story of a tree, beginning when heat from a devastating forest fire opens thousands of pine cones and sends millions of seeds into the air. Most of these seeds perish, but one falls into the soil and develops into the tree that is the subject of this story.

Suzuki and Grady also describe how the tree grows and receives nourishment and what role the tree plays in the forest throughout its life. It acts as a home to a succession of creatures and plays a crucial role in the water cycle, in breaking rock down into soil, and in removing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. Even after the tree dies, it provides a home for moss, ferns, and other plants, which use the tree as a nurse log, and it provides nutrients for insects and fungi. Tree also looks at the community of organisms that share the tree’s ecosystem and at the events going on in the larger world during the tree’s lifetime.